Welcome to First Lutheran Church, Albany, NY.
We are people encountering the grace of the Living God through worship, service, teaching, and fellowship.
We are a member of theĀ Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are the oldest congregation of the ELCA, tracing our gathering in Albany to 1649, during the Dutch colonial days of Albany.
We are a metropolitan parish committed to Christ-centered ministry in the city of Albany, New York. We rejoice in the manner in which God has graced us with unity in a glorious diversity.
We welcome all to share in the life and ministry of First Lutheran regardless of age, race, socio-economic or marital status, physical or mental capabilities, or sexual orientation.

We are a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation and as such we are dedicated to being sanctuary (safe-haven) to all God’s people.
We are also committed in the name of Jesus to work for justice and peace in our neighborhood, in our community, and throughout the world.