Palm Sunday – March 24
Worship with the Procession of Palms at 10:45 am.
Maundy Thursday – March 28
Dinner Church style worship with the Striping of the Altar at 7 PM at Good Shepherd, Loudonville.

Worship begins with a shared meal in the Fellowship Hall. During the meal, we hear of Jesus’ last meal with his friends and reflect together on his command to love one another as God first loved us. We participate in Holy Communion together around the dinner table, and then we process to the sanctuary to wait and watch with Jesus in the garden as the altar is stripped.
This is a shared worship service with our partner congregation, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Loudonville, and is hosted by Good Shepherd (510 Albany Shaker Road).
Good Friday – March 29
Service of Light and Darkness at 7 PM at First Lutheran.

This service combines a Tenebrae style service, with candles extinguished progressively during the readings, with a traditional Good Friday service. The service concludes with the Solemn Reproaches and prayer at the foot of the cross of Christ.
This is a shared service with Good Shepherd and is hosted at First Lutheran (181 Western Ave.)
Holy Saturday – March 30
Easter Vigil followed by dessert reception at 7 PM at Good Shepherd, Loudonville.

The four congregations of Albany Lutherans Together (First, Good Shepherd, Holy Spirit, and St. John’s) come together for the Great Vigil of Easter, hosted by Good Shepherd, Loudonville.
Beginning around a fire outside, we process by candlelight into the darkened sanctuary and keep vigil in the liminal space of Holy Saturday. We hear of the deeds of God for God’s people throughout history. We watch and we wait together, until finally the trumpets sound, we find the tomb to be empty, and we rejoice at the first communion of Easter.
After worship, we share a time of fellowship with dessert and champaign.
Easter Sunday – March 31
Easter Worship at 10:45 AM.
Festive Easter Breads Fellowship at 10 AM.