Ministry Opportunities
As Disciples who seek to follow in the way of Jesus Christ, we need to do as Jesus did to nourish and strengthen our relationship with God. At First Lutheran we have communal spiritual disciplines which serve to strengthen our faith and prepare us for service- Worship, Learning, and Building relationships with our sisters and brothers at First Lutheran. We speak of these communal spiritual disciplines as the three areas of ministry: Worship, Education,and Congregational Care.
Our Disciples/Members serve in many and various ways to provide these ministries to one another. We hope each Disciple/Member will discover an area of service which brings them joy and strengthens their faith. There are many opportunities to become involved in Ministry Opportunities at First Lutheran Church. In addition to the ministry areas of Worship, Education, and Congregational Care, there are also administrative opportunities for getting involved.
- Sing in Choir
- Serve on Altar Guild
- Serve as Usher
- Read the lessons in worship
- Serve as Assisting Minister
- Light the candles
- Teach Kid’s Sunday School
- Led an Adult class or bible study
- Assist with Confirmation
Congregational Care
- Host coffee hour
- Organize a congregational meal
- Cook for a congregation meal
- Set up for a congregational meal
- Drive the church van to pick up people needing rides
- Write newsletter articles
- Do PR for church events
- Serve on the church council
- Serve on a committee, e.g. finance, building & grounds
- Serve on the web team